Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Might as well

And so it begins (again.)

Last July when my father passed away, I created a blog. The first post was a bit of a brain dump, getting my feelings and thoughts out of my head so I could find a little inner clarity. I had intended to turn the blog into a game design blog shortly after, trying to take a step towards a bit of professionalism and critical thinking. The past year has been a roller coaster of chaos and happiness, and I feel stable and driven enough to forge ahead and get these thoughts out more often.

Most of my inspiration comes from reading user blogs and comments on and There are always strong opinions on a multitude of subjects, both serious and light-hearted, and I often have a strong opinion, which I have molded over the 4.5+ years I have been in the industry. The experiences I have had and the people I have met have helped me grow drastically, and I feel I am ready to get some of these thoughts out to educate and entertain.

So I hope you enjoy reading this, and hope some of it is somewhat entertaining.


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